Sunday, April 11, 2010

I recommend this, hugely

Write or Die by Dr Wicked

so cool; i know many of us have been dreaming of ways to be forced to write. you sure as hell can't take a break to check facebook without this program noticing. and i cannot overstate the helpfulness of that. damn facebook.
I had sort of quit posting here because I wanted to save my best work to submit to the magazines, and at some point I had realized that some of them considered material published on blogs as 'previously published material.'

But in light of certain sentiments expressed on my other blog, it seems appropriate to relax a bit and come back to this. Doing good work is more important than getting published, innit? So since I've found the prompts and stuff helpful in the past, and since, honestly, more people are seeing what I post here than what I post to various editors, well, The Repository is officially re-opened. Besides, I'll totally console myself by putting all these into a book myself.

Though unfortunately it looks like a lot of the blogs I'd been following for prompts have sort of slowed down with the updating. Oh well, soldier on!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I gather a deck
of self-concepts
and choose one
and go up to you.

Have you seen this person?

Your face is hard to read.
I go home to consult
my records, check my thinking.

Who was I?
Who can support this story?

Surely I didn't just
ask you, just like that.

for/from poetry instigator?