and this is it. typos and all.
(don't let it scare you. it is possible to generate worthwhile writing with this tool, i just wanted to try out the Publish feature.)
"Write Or Die Poem 6/40/10
Lack of focus or experimental mood
decidedly disollute and like
i saw a firefly dying on my bathroom floor
i couldn't get it to fly away or glow
and i took this as a bad omen
cause where else am i supposed to look for love
having paved every alley
in weird silk and succeeded
in never feeling much for my sex partners
but what if
and what the fuck
so there's me and my paper sack
full of the things i should be doing
and all i can muster is this self-disgust
and the lonely bare bulb of a mind
too scared to go down any imaginative uncertainties
and unsatiable like
a kid who only eats saltines but will not
by any means stop eating
how can you be so hungry for this d unnourishing
we might well ask
and yet this is the right age for it
in all ways, look around
No it's not true it's
a world, still,
and it's full
not hungry
full of reality. and i am within it
one of many tiny moving bits of data
to be processed
and then gone"
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