Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Blue Overalls

In the midst of a tedious day's
cleaning, I get
a defiant sense

of the luxury of ugly things.

I find a pair of overalls,
not even old, just blue--
naive, unvariegated blue--

as fashion statement,
and irrelevant to my lifestyle.

On no occasion
would I wear these overalls.
This fact gives me unaccountable joy
and I rush to try them on.

These elements, unacceptable,
are therefore mine, all mine.

for Poetry Instigator - Neruda & The Mundane


  1. Cool poem, Rachel! I love how you end each line, very strong. :-)

  2. thank you! been meaning to post a new poem cause i'm tired of looking at this'n.. but i'm glad you liked it. :)


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