Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Doctor's Office Diagrams I

Larynx, phonation

The color pallette
has been reduced, and dried
in order to avoid triggering
a too-vibrant self-knowledge

Larynx, inspiration

for october poetry mini-challenge @ Read Write Poem


  1. Wow! Title and poem both. Wow! Can I even see this on a doctor's office wall? Wouldn't that be a sight! And that last line, now that's compact and potent, yes. Oh yes! I'm gonna remember this one.

  2. I think a lot of people avoid a too-vibrant self knowledge...they wouldn't like it much.

    I quite like how you constructed this. Well done.


  3. i don't always enjoy seeing inside those diagrams. grateful for the softer color palette! great inspiration for a poem series.

  4. nice touch with the self-knowledge

    have you seen the online "adam" with his anatomical landmarks? now, there's a creepy little thing

  5. thanks everyone for reading!

    bear - heh, yeah there should be some sort of disclaimer next to the diagram, but then again the pictures are existentially disturbing enough.

    radio - it's hard to be comfortable with the knowledge of one's own insides, sure enough.

    carolee - yeah, i think those diagrams are just there to give us something doctory to look at... yet i'm drawn and repelled at the same time.

    briar - i'll have to look up this adam... is that the guy from the funny pages?

  6. You could take all four of these and make them one longer poem--a section poem. I love, love, love these!


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